How To Protect Vegetable Garden From Dogs - Easy Backyard

How To Protect Vegetable Garden From Dogs

This would be a great way to keep the dog out of the vegetable garden
This would be a great way to keep the dog out of the vegetable garden from

Why Should You Protect Your Vegetable Garden From Dogs?

Dogs are our best friends, and we love them dearly, but when it comes to our vegetable gardens, they can be a real menace. Dogs love to dig and run around in the garden, and they can damage the delicate plants and vegetables in no time. Dogs may also carry disease, which can spread to the plants, causing them to die or become infected. So it’s important to protect your vegetable garden from your canine friends.

How to Keep Dogs Out of Vegetable Garden

To protect your vegetable garden from dogs, the first step is to make sure the garden is completely fenced off. The fence should be high enough to deter any jumping or climbing dogs, and be sure to close off any potential gaps or holes that a dog could squeeze through.

You can also add some deterrents such as motion-activated water sprays, ultrasonic deterrents, or even a motion-activated light. These will scare off any canine intruders, without being too harsh. You may also want to consider adding some strategically-placed rocks or sticks around the garden, as these can make the area difficult to dig in.

Organic Dog Repellents for Vegetable Garden

If you don’t want to use any harsh chemicals or deterrents in your garden, there are some natural dog repellents you can use. You can try adding some citrus peels or other citrus fruits to the garden, as the smell will deter dogs. Other natural repellents include coffee grounds, cayenne pepper, and garlic. Just be sure to sprinkle these liberally around the garden to create an effective barrier.

You can also try planting some plants that dogs don’t like. Marigolds, lavender, and citronella are all plants that dogs tend to avoid. Planting these around the perimeter of the garden can help keep dogs away.

Dogs in the Garden: What to Do When They Appear

If you do spot a dog in your garden, don’t panic. The best thing to do is to stay calm, and call the animal control authorities immediately. Don’t try to approach the dog yourself, as this can be dangerous. You can also use a loud noise such as a whistle or an air horn to scare the dog away.


Protecting your vegetable garden from dogs is essential for ensuring that your plants and vegetables are safe and healthy. By taking the necessary steps to fence off the garden, adding deterrents, and using organic repellents, you can keep your canine friends away from your garden and prevent any damage.

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