How To Keep Groundhogs Out Of Your Vegetable Garden In 2023
Groundhogs are cute and cuddly, but they can wreak havoc on your vegetable garden if you’re not careful. Not only can they eat the vegetables, but they can also tunnel underneath the garden, uprooting plants and making a mess of it. To keep your vegetables safe this year, here are some tips on how to keep groundhogs out of your vegetable garden in 2023.
1. Create a Fence
The most effective way to keep groundhogs out of your vegetable garden is to build a fence. The fence should be at least two feet high and made of sturdy material such as wire mesh or wood. The fence should also be buried at least six inches below the surface of the soil to prevent groundhogs from digging underneath it. You can also add a gate to the fence so that you can access the garden without having to climb over the fence.
2. Use Repellents
There are a number of repellents on the market that are specifically designed to keep groundhogs away from your vegetable garden. These repellents typically contain natural ingredients that are unpleasant for groundhogs, such as garlic, chili pepper, or predator urine. You can spray these repellents around the perimeter of your garden or directly on the groundhogs if you catch them in the act. Repellents are typically most effective when used in combination with other methods.
3. Trap and Relocate
If all else fails, you may have to resort to trapping and relocating the groundhogs. You can purchase humane live traps from your local hardware store or online. These traps should be baited with something that the groundhog will find attractive, such as fresh vegetables or fruit. Once the groundhog is trapped, you can then release it in a more suitable location, away from your garden.
4. Plant Unappealing Vegetables
Some vegetables are more appealing to groundhogs than others. Planting vegetables that groundhogs don’t like, such as onions, garlic, and hot peppers, can help to deter them from eating your vegetables. Groundhogs also don’t like the smell of certain herbs, such as rosemary and lavender, so planting these herbs around the perimeter of your garden can also help to keep them away.
5. Reduce Ground Cover
Groundhogs like to hide in areas of thick vegetation, such as tall grass or leaf litter. To make your garden less appealing to them, keep the ground cover around the garden to a minimum. Remove any dead leaves or debris, and keep the grass cut short. This will make it harder for groundhogs to hide in the area, making it less attractive to them.
6. Use a Motion-Activated Sprinkler
Motion-activated sprinklers are a great way to deter groundhogs from entering your garden. The sprinklers will activate when they detect motion, such as a groundhog, and spray the area with a burst of water. The sudden noise and water can be enough to scare the groundhog away and keep it from coming back.
7. Add a Pet or Predator
Adding a pet or predator to your garden can also help to keep groundhogs away. Dogs, cats, and other animals have a natural instinct to chase away intruders, and can be very effective at keeping groundhogs away. You can also introduce predators, such as owls or hawks, to your garden to help keep the groundhogs away.
8. Clean Up After Yourself
Groundhogs are attracted to gardens that have food sources readily available, such as fallen fruit or leftover vegetables. To keep groundhogs away, make sure to clean up any fallen fruit or vegetables, and pick up after yourself after harvesting. This will help keep the groundhogs away from your garden.
9. Check for Groundhog Holes
Groundhogs will often make their homes in the ground underneath your garden. To keep them out, make sure to check for any groundhog holes and fill them in with dirt or rocks. This will make it harder for the groundhogs to get into your garden and make it less attractive to them.
10. Plant Early
Groundhogs usually start to emerge in late winter or early spring. To give your vegetables the best chance of surviving, try to plant them as early as possible. This will give your plants a head start and make them less attractive to groundhogs.
Groundhogs can make a mess of your vegetable garden if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to keep them out. From building fences to planting unappealing vegetables, there are many ways to keep groundhogs out of your vegetable garden in 2023. Just remember to always keep a watchful eye and take the necessary steps to protect your garden from groundhogs.
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