How To Keep Birds Away From Your Vegetable Garden In 2023 - Easy Backyard

How To Keep Birds Away From Your Vegetable Garden In 2023

Here's an interesting and cheap idea to help keep birds off your crops
Here's an interesting and cheap idea to help keep birds off your crops from

If you're a home gardener, there are few things more frustrating than birds decimating your vegetable garden. Whether it's pigeons, sparrows, or robins, these birds can quickly gobble up your hard-earned produce before you have a chance to harvest it. Thankfully, there are several tactics that you can use to keep birds away from your vegetable garden in 2023.

Choose the Right Plants

When selecting plants for your vegetable garden, make sure that you avoid plants that are particularly appealing to birds. For example, birds love sweet corn and sunflowers, so these are not the best choices for your garden. Instead, opt for plants that have strong, waxy leaves, like cabbage and kale. Additionally, some plants, such as lettuce, have a naturally bitter taste that birds tend to avoid.

Create a Barrier

One of the most effective ways to keep birds away from your vegetable garden is to create a physical barrier. This can be done with a netting or plastic covering. Choose a netting with a very small mesh size – the smaller the better. This will prevent birds from getting into your garden and will also provide some protection from other pests, such as insects and squirrels.

Set Up Decoys

Another way to keep birds away from your vegetable garden is to set up decoys. Decoys are fake birds that help to deter real birds from entering your garden. Decoys can take many forms, from plastic owls and hawks to inflatable eagles. Place the decoys around your garden and move them around regularly to keep the birds on their toes.


Grow Plants with Strong Scents

Birds are very sensitive to smells, so growing plants with strong scents can help to keep them away. For example, herbs like rosemary, sage, and thyme have a very intense aroma that birds find unpleasant. Planting these herbs around the perimeter of your garden can help to keep birds away.

Use Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are inaudible to humans, but are very unpleasant for birds. These devices can be used to keep birds away from your vegetable garden. They are available in many different forms, such as solar-powered sonic spikes and ultrasonic bird repellent devices.

Make Your Garden Unappealing

Finally, you can make your garden less appealing to birds by keeping it clean. Make sure that you regularly remove debris and uneaten fruits and vegetables, as these can attract birds. Additionally, it's a good idea to keep your garden well-watered, as dry soil can attract birds in search of water.


Keeping birds away from your vegetable garden can be a challenge, but it is possible. By choosing the right plants, creating a physical barrier, setting up decoys, growing plants with strong scents, using ultrasonic devices, and keeping your garden clean, you can ensure that your vegetable garden remains bird-free in 2023.

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